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Aug 28, 2015

POINT 1: Do what you need to do to make shit happen!
The shame, blame and guilt game are easy to play. Try taking action instead of judging someone else for not doing something that didn’t meet your expectations. 
POINT 2: Your children’s successes are not yours. Their failures are not yours. 

Aug 24, 2015

006: Feel In Control Of Your Overwhelm. 
POINT 1: Stop what you’re doing and feel the overwhelm. 
Being stuck in overwhelm doesn't serve you. You spin and use your precious energy on being stuck. So stop what you’re doing and use that energy to focus on what you DO want. 
POINT 2: Write it all out. Brain...

Aug 17, 2015

POINT 1: Your desires are a sign. Listen. 

Desires come from source. Listen carefully. They get louder as time goes on, until the discomfort becomes painful. 

POINT 2: Ignite Passion In Your Life. 

Get clean on how you want to feel and start cultivating these feelings throughout your day, you will start to feel more...